Wednesday, November 08, 2006

"Super" Underdog

a more comic book-esque version of one of my 1st faves.


The Keeper's Notes said...

Lookin' sweet...can't wait to see the inks and colors.

Anonymous said...

SHHWWWEEEEEET!!!!! I love it dude. Underdog is by far my favorite Saturday morning cartoon character. This looks great, Rob. Please ink it.

The Keeper's Notes said...

I've seen the beginning stages of the inks and they look great...hopefully we'll see them posted soon.

The Keeper's Notes said...

Hopefully this puppy (get it, puppy, hahah) will be inked up and posted when I return from da carribean, mon!

Johnny Supersonic said...

Inks will follow soon...there 4th in line, project-priority-wise.

Charles said...

Rob-- why'd you keep this blog on the 'down low'??

I had no idea till you left me a comment on mine
that you even had a blog!!!! Well, great job on UNDERDOG-- hoping this gets a FULL COLOR treatment!!

Johnny Supersonic said...

Charles - Thanks! I plan on finishing up Underdog after I knock out a painting that I just commissioned to do.

Guess I hadn't mention the blog because for a while, there wasn't much posted on it.

Charles said...

Here's some bad news concerning UNDERDOG:

Lou said...

very cool sketch of Underdog. looks a hell of a lot better than the crap they got for the new movie coming out. If they were going to change the look, than they should of went for something like you sketched.