My January 1st was super low key (never actually left the apartment), but when I was firmly planted on the couch I did manage to sketch up this lagoon-inhabiting babe. An inked and colored version of the image on the right will make it to my site in the near future.
Nice! Real clean. I liked the bigger boob ver. (duh).
Imagine that.
well done roberto!!!
i pretty much counted you out of the blogosphere figuring you left us for the deviant art site! nice to be proven wrong!
i'm guessing she's gary gil's music "teacher"
justin- she's just SHMUSHING her boobs up against the tree trunk so that they appear bigger! don't you know anything!
love that her eyelashes are gils as well! nice touch.
I wonder if their va jay-jays
smell like perfume?
happy new year Rob!
Welcome back
Thanks, Jason. Nah, I never completely forgot about my blog, but it just wasn't a priority there for a while...but I'm back.
Happy New Year to you too, Glenn. Hmmmmm...perfume? Good question. I'm thinking maybe more along the lines of shrimp cocktail.
It's always nice to have a new pic for the year. Can't wait to see what new pic you put up for 2009!!
maybe we'll have a "one year since his last post" anniversary party for pencil box then!
(Touché Roberto! Domo Arigato Mr. Roboto!
Ciao! Franscesco Rinaldi! Hummala Beebahla Zeebahla Boobulah Hummala Beebahla Zeebahla Bop!!)
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